It's hard to say whether you want believe this or not. But this is a natural, easy and free "remedy" which is gaining strong credentials. If you are one with arthritis pain and discomfort, there is no disadvantages of trying this remedy. Just do a search on the net and you will find many testimonials.
All you have to do is consume 7 - 9 of these specially prepared raisins and many has confirmed that it relieved them of their arthritis pain.

My mom has had arthritis for a long time. It is getting worse especially on her knees. When I told her about this remedy, she was most willing to try. It is such a simple homemade remedy, that you can start immediately.
All you need a 2 simple ingredients :
1. Gin
2. Golden Raisins ( Don't ask me whether the purple raisin works, I just follow the instructions and it requires golden raisins and I don't question when it comes to old folks remedies)

Simple Steps :
1. Fill the golden raisin into a pyrex bowl, pan or dish.
2. Cover barely to the top of the raisins with gin
3. Let it sit for 7 to 10 days until all the gin has evaporated and the raisin are fairly dry. It is fine if they’re slightly moist.
4. Storage : You can refrigerate when absorption is complete and the gin has dissipated.

Once the gin dries up, all you need to do it eat 7 - 9 pieces every single day and pray that it works! Oh yeah, don't ask me why just eat 7 - 9 pieces, I really don't know but apparently even if you eat more it will not yield better or faster results.
Honestly, there is no official research conducted regarding this special recipe. Some say the aromatic juniper oils of the gin in combination with the sulfer and antioxidants within the raisins help with inflammation. But no one claims to know for sure.
If one can make and use this raisin recipe and receive arthitis pain relief, then it surely is something to consider trying! I for one am willing to try and prayfully it works for my mom. She has started to take it but she is not diligent to eat everyday so it's time I be a discpline master and moniter her intake!!
Click here for more details on this remedy.