You dip the "ear lobe" biscuit into black coffee. Scoop up some coffee along the way. Just because it can. You then transfer the "ear lobe" biscuit (without dropping any coffee) into your mouth and hmmmmm, crunch crunch, yum yum.....delicious.
Wait a minute!! "Ear Lobe" biscuit??!!! Oh man!! What a terrible name!! The truth is I have no idea what is the name of this biscuit. I just know that I grew up buying this biscuit whenever I see it sold anywhere in Malaysia. I think they are mostly homemade as they are usually sold in a transparent bag with no details. At least the ones I buy and they are usually really good and crunchy.

Now, if any of you know what this biscuit is called, please do let me know. So, calling out to Malaysians and Singaporeans whom I think would be familiar with this biscuit, tell me what is the name. If any other country has this biscuit, do share too.
The reason it is called ear lobes is because it is shaped somewhat like an ear lobe. You think?

With my relocation to Dallas 2 month plus ago, I managed to bring along one pack of "ear lobes" biscuits in my already overly full luggage. I savoured every bite and manage to take some photos before it all went into my tummy.
So help me out.
Do let me know what this biscuit is called and best if there is a recipe somewhere out there on how to make this.

We called this biscuit "牛耳饼" in Cantoneses. Oh! I miss it too. It used to be my childhood snack. ;)
Hi there. Thanks for the challenge. I do research as part of my job so I decided to take this one on. I think your biscuits are called Spiral Ear Biscuits, or Yee Chai Pang. Here's a link with a picture and recipe: http://neckredrecipes.blogspot.com/2006/07/yee-chai-pang-spiral-ear-biscuit.html
Crossing my fingers that it's the right one!
I loooove this when I was a kid. Never tried it with coffee though!
Food For Tots - Unfortunately I can't read Chinese. I am banana as the saying goes. But the first word is cow right?? :)
The Mom Chef - OMG, you are simply amazing. Spiral Ear does sound better than Ear Lobes!!! I am so going to try the recipe!! I can't believe you found it!!
Pigpigscorner - yup...i think this was a childhood snack. Not easy to find good ones now. I only buy from this shop in Ipoh whenever I am there as it is fresh and crunchy!!
We too called 'yee chai peng' You can check out Lily's blog for the recipe. http://lilyng2000.blogspot.com/2010/03/yee-chai-paengear-biscuit.html or another version which I like better http://lilyng2000.blogspot.com/2009/07/cows-ear-biscuit.html
I love this biscuit! I use to eat this all the time when I was a child. It's been so long since I had one, will have to get some soon.
I don't know what this is called, nor have I ever tried it, but I really want to! Looks absolutely delicious :)
Pity that it is not that easy to find this lovely snack in my place now. We call it cow's ear.
I love this biscuit too. Such cute name...haha. Thanks very much to those who gave the links. I would also love to try.
Vincent - I will check out your website. Thanks for the invite.
ICook4Fun - Thanks so much for all the links. Yee Chai Peng!!!!
Margaret Chen - I agree, we all ate it when we were small.
Baking Serendipity - The links to the recipe have been posted on this page. I am planning to try making it one of these days too.
Taste HongKong - Not easy to find it nowadays too. I only buy it at one little shop in Ipoh town in Malaysia.
Mary Moh - pls do share when you try the recipe :)
You have a very interesting way of eating these biscuits :)
yi zai bang (Cantonese), ear biscuit :P
Mary - I thot eating with coffee is common :) I think I grew up eating with grandma and she always has coffee :)
mimid3vils - Thanks. I knew "ear" was in there.
I call it Ear Lobe Biscuits too in Singapore. But I never scoop coffee with that before :O...that is new way of eating.
So incredible! I'm sending this to my daughter. She'll love it!
tigerfish - I guess it is only me and the coffee. But I highly recommend it. Delicious!!
Mother Rimmy - It is a lovely biscuit. I didn't even know that it had 5 spice powder in there.
this is my childhood snack. we call it pig ear's biscuits when we are young. It looks good dipped into coffee :)
One of my fav biscuits when young .. I call them elephant ear biscuits.
noobcook & Jo - Thanks for dropping by. One thing I have established for sure. The name definitely is EAR...elephant ear, pig's ear, human ear and this is definitely a favourite Childhood biscuit!
Looks like 'kerepek bawang'for Malay people.It's traditional snack that using onion in its ingredients..(sorry my english is terrible)
We just had these for our family international dinner, they were called "Kuping Gajah" Elephant Ear?
Must try them with coffee!
I love this biscuits while I'm was a child when going to school i have only 5 cent for spend .....1967..
I love this biscuits while I'm was a child when going to school i have only 5 cent for spend .....1967..
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